Thursday, July 19, 2012

Vacation Days

August is a time when many people go on vacation, including yoga instructors!

Please take note of the upcoming dates that we will NOT be having class:

Thursday July 26th (6:15-7:30pm)
Monday July 30th (10:00-11:00am)
Thursday August 2nd (6:15-7:30pm)
Monday August 6th (10:00-11:00am)
Tuesday August 14th (10:30-11:30am)
Thursday August 23rd (6:15-7:30pm)
Thursday August 30th (6:15-7:30pm)

Chris Hamel will be covering for Anna on July 31st and August 7th
Donna Edgarton will be covering for Anna on August 9th, 13th, and 16th

We hope you have time to get away and relax somewhere nice as well.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Meet Chris!

Chris Hamel has taught and will continue to teach sporadically at Yoga Above Northampton.

Chris is a Karuna certified yoga instructor who is currently undergoing an advanced teacher training at Karuna Yoga.His main teacher is Eileen Muir.He is inspired by teachers like BKS Iyengar who believe that yoga is an art to cultivate oneself for the intention of becoming fit to discover the light of the soul. After all, as Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj  said, 

"With deep and quiet breathing, vitality will improve, which will influence the brain and help the mind to grow pure and stable and fit for meditation. Without vitality, little can be done, hence the importance of its protection and increase. Posture and breathing are a part of yoga, for the body must be healthy and well under control, but too much concentration on the body defeats its own purpose, for it is the mind that is primary in the beginning. When the mind has been put to rest and disturbs no longer the inner space (chidakash), the body acquires a new meaning and its transformation becomes both necessary and possible."

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

4th of July

Wednesday, July 4th there will be no 5:30pm class.

Enjoy the holiday!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Tuesday July 3rd

There will be no  Tuesday morning class at 10:30am this week.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

See you soon!